The National NTS Testing Service has released the schedule for the General GAT Graduate Assessment Test for Admissions to MS MPhil Programs.
The last date for the submission of application forms is July 28, 2021 and the test will take place on August 8, 2021.
Ad Published Date: 19-July-2021
Location: All Pakistan
Gender : male, Female
Company: NTS, gat
Last Date Apply: View Ad
Test result will remain valid for 2 years for admissions. Candidates with a minimum of 16 years of education can apply for the GAT test. Candidates awaiting the result can also apply. Your previous GAT score may also appear to have improved.
The online application form and deposit slip are available on the website www.nts.org.pk or you can create your profile at datacell.nts.org.pk or visit the NTS website for detailed instructions. All candidates must provide their full face photograph. Applications with inappropriate images will not be entertaining.
GAT-General measures the verbal, quantitative and analytical skills that you have acquired over a long period of time and that may not necessarily be related to any specific field of study. Deposit rate for GAT - General Test by proof of online bank deposit in the online branches of MCB, UBL, HBL or ABL.