Bahauddin Zakaria University is a large old South Punjab public sector university which is located in Multan and many of its campuses are located in different cities. Zakaria University Multan offers fall and spring, morning and evening admissions to students twice a year for undergraduate programs. Students can apply for admission in the fall, tentatively offered in August, or spring admission offers in February. After merit calculation, BZU publishes 1st, 2nd, 3rd merit list of successful students.
Bahauddin Zakaria University BZU Multan Undergraduate Programs 2nd Merit Lists Upload - Fall Admission 2021 : This Merit List is Published in BZU website on 02-September-2021. Last Date to Submission Fee 06-September-2021:
Undergraduate Programs, M.Phil, P.Hd, 5ht Semester Undergraduate
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