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National Aptitude Test (NAT 2021-VIII) Result Announced - NTS (NAT) Test Date 29-August-2021


National Aptitude Test  (NAT 2021-VIII) Result Announced - NTS (NAT) Test Date 29-August-2021 

National Aptitude Test  (NAT 2021-VIII) Result Announced 2021: This results Announced in 06-September-2021 on nts website: 

NTS performs this NAT test for students from those universities that are associated with the NTS NAT test. Through this test, if the candidate passes, then he is eligible for All University  admission to any partner university in any respective subject group. Applicant  will be admitted to the following respective subjects, which are the following:

Check Result Click Here 

National Aptitude Test  (NAT 2021-VIII) Result Announced - NTS (NAT) Test Date 29-August-2021
National Aptitude Test  (NAT 2021-VIII) Result Announced - NTS (NAT) Test Date 29-August-2021 


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