BISE Lahore Board Inter 2021 second-year result dates announced. The result will be announced this week (October 12-16). The Punjab Cabinet has approved the summary of the promotion policy. This was announced by Raja Yasir Humayun, Punjab Provincial Minister of Higher Education and Information Technology. The Inter-Board Committee of Punjab had prepared the COVID Promotion policy which was forwarded to the Punjab cabinet for approval. Previously, the result of the second year of Inter 2021 would be announced on September 30, 2021. Now, all BISEs in Punjab will announce the result in the first week of October.
The exams between 2nd year were carried out only for elective subjects. Students will receive 50% grades in Practice and 50% grades will be based on their performance in theory subjects. In addition, an extra 5% grade will be awarded in compulsory subjects.
The PBCC Punjab Board Chairs Committee has finalized the promotion policy for intermediate students. But the policy must be approved by the Cabinet. The 2021 intermediate result will be available in the first week of October. Blackboards have increased the duration of paper marking to manage the preparation of results on time.
How to Check BISE Lahore Board FA & FSc 2nd year Result 2021
- The result can be checked online on Lahore Board's official website at
- The result can also be checked through SMS by sending your Roll Number to 800291
BISE Lahore Board Inter FA FSc 2nd year Result 2021 |