Here, we post the new job opportunities announced by the Rawalpindi Board of Middle and Secondary Education. We collect these BISE Rawalpindi Jobs 2022 from Daily Jang newspaper.
The BISE Rawalpindi is hiring staff for the 2022 Annual Examination. Jobs are opening for Deputy Superintendent and Nigran. Interested applicants looking for career opportunities in Rawalpindi should not miss out on this career opportunity.
This BISE Rawalpindi recruits applications from Government Schools and Universities professors who work for BISE Rawalpindi. Both male and female applicants are eligible.
Interested applicants can apply online at https://www.bisesecrecy.com/. Hard copy of online applications with certified copies of documents should be sent to Controller Examination, BISE, Rawalpindi.
Interested applicants can submit applications on or before the prescribed date on or before April 30, 2022. Applications must be complete in all respects. Only eligible educators should apply.